I’m thrilled to introduce Punk Journalism to the Deviate family! Punk Journalism is a podcast and blog created by Chance Johnson which challenges the status quo by encouraging critical thought and calling out bullsh*t where they see it.
Punk Journalism draws upon the punk rock attitude towards issues which affect people all over the world. The podcast covers a wide range of topics from fragile masculinity, and climate change to racism, in an attempt to fight inequality. Punk Journalism took a brief hiatus and recently returned with a new vigour for the project. In the latest episode they ‘attempt to define what Punk Journalism is, and why it is needed in an era so inundated with “news” and information in every flavor‘. Have a listen below!
Can Someone be Punk and in the Military?
‘One is all about individuality, and the other is all about being part of a whole. Punk expresses itself through unconventional clothing styles and hairstyles, the other requires that everyone wear the same uniform and maintain standards of dress and appearance.
Can you question authority while also having a job that requires that you fall in line?”
Redlining and Other Ways the Black Community is Disadvantaged
‘Redlining was a completely lawful practice from banks and lenders to deny a loan or insurance to someone because they lived in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk. Consequently, this affected ethnic neighborhoods the most. Listen to us discuss the history of redlining and how people in these neighborhoods were practically doomed to a life of poverty and disadvantage. Although made unlawful by 1968, the fallout from the policy still looms large.’
Are Straight, White Men the New Marginalized Group??
‘Many angry, straight white conservative men feel they’re missing out on opportunities their fathers came by with greater ease. The culprit in their eyes: marginalized groups who are entitled to the same rights everyone enjoys. Have a listen while three whiteys do our best to understand why.’